Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Study Group

Apparently, they still have these. And they're actually important. This one's about Iraq.

I remember a study group I was in during high school for AP English. We'd meet every other week and go over the answers to the upcoming test. Our teacher gave us the questions before each test and we had to research the answers. It wasn't easy -- we had to pour through countless pages of text and critical essays.

Actually, it was easy -- there were like 25 of us doing that and then writing down the answers -- we were allowed then to bring the answer sheet to the class. Needless to say, I got an A in the class and I don't remember anything else about that. Ah...the American education system.

Hopefully the Iraq study group fares a little better on the test.

I do remember reading some of the books though (even though I really didn't need to): Jude the Obscure, A Passage to India, Crime and Punishment, Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man. All great novels -- all almost forgotten.

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