Wednesday, December 06, 2006

O Tannenbaum

Got a Christmas Tree yesterday. A real one at that. For years my family invested in the "fake" christmas tree. I forget why exactly -- maybe it was allergies -- maybe it was the cool thing to do. But this year the Mrs. and I got real. It's actually a nice tree -- has everything you would expect, really. It's green. It has branches. It has little pine needles. It has a bark. Did I mention it was green?

I'm not sure why people invest in the "fake" tree. There aren't many other things we invest in that are "fake", so why do it with a tree. Some people do like fake milk (read: anything other than 2% or Whole milk). Some people like fake butter (read: margarine). Don't get me wrong, a good fake tree is just as good as a bad real tree -- except that it's not real. It doesn't smell like a real tree. It doesn't have the potential to catch on fire like a real tree. It also doesn't drop it's needles like a real tree.

I'm not upset that my childhood presents were under a fake tree. It really didn't matter to me until this year -- when I was emphatic about not getting a fake tree. Though I'm still not sure of my reasoning other than I don't like fake trees. Is that a good enough reason?

The thing of it is: there's something to be said for those of us with the pluck to put hot lights on something that could burn our homes down. We are truly brave souls.


Anonymous said...

I thought we had a fake tree because of your allergies? And it is because of allergies that we still have a fake one (I'm allergic to trees)...sorry that your allergic to everything sister ruined your childhood. I like fake trees cause I can breathe around them. :) love you!

Anonymous said...

So did you actually go to a tree farm and cut down the tree yourself, or did you buy it in front of your local supermarket?

AaronG said...

we bought it from some guy outside of a state liqueor store, FYI.

And sis -- yes, I blame you for ruining my childhood -- remember Ingle-wish? I think you had something to do with that!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that was Becky! I was not even born yet!

AaronG said...

ah...ingle-wish was xmas '86 -- you was alive...don't you have exams or something to study for?

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a sense in which buying a Christmas tree from a guy at a liquor store makes it fake?

Just wondering

AaronG said...

No -- it just makes me cheap. Don't let my frugality affect how you feel about the tree.

Leave the tree alone.

Anonymous said...

Side note: is there a difference between liqueor and liquor? Isn't the first pronounced funny? Was that on the GRE?

Anonymous said...

I heart real trees. We got ours last night too - not outside the packy though.

Question: colored lights or white lights?

AaronG said...

White lights -- I wanted color -- but I didn't have a choice there. Still...I must admit it looks good.

Anonymous said...

I have always enjoyed purchasing my tree outside our liquor store. The local store will have free tastings throughout the Christmas season. This provides for a wonderfull evening (perhaps several) of merriment and cheer. There is nothing like getting looped and overpaying for a Xmas tree. We will also buy a couple of really cheap, rot gut bottles of booze and give them away to the bums. This allows us a guilt free Xmas season as we our good to our fellow man.

Anonymous said...

You've married a good woman :)

Anonymous said...

My Dear Aaron, Not all of your gifts were under a fake tree,remember.OONA

Anonymous said...

Achew! It's the pine

Anonymous said...

Don't knock the fake tree too much. The less money for tree, the more money for presents to be put under tree.

And really, isn't it all about the presents anyway?

AaronG said...

Excellent point!