Thursday, December 07, 2006

Now Who's Faking?

So maybe the real tree wasn't the best idea. I'm sitting on the couch last night -- writing a marvelous story, mind you -- when I hear this pop. I look up and down comes the Christmas Tree.

It wasn't like I could jump up and catch it -- I had my computer on my lap and that wouldn't of been smart. So I had to sit there and watch the tree come down. Thankfully it didn't come all the way over, miraculously holding itself up a la Tom Cruise/Mission Impossible style.

I then spent the next 20 minutes trying to the re-align the tree in the tree stand by myself. Maybe we bought a crappy tree stand. Maybe we bought a crappy tree. I'm still not sure. But when I went to bed it was upright.

When the Mrs. came home this morning, it had toppled over again. While she went to sleep I spent another 20 minutes trying to get the tree straightened. Eventually I settled for some string to keep it in place...but it's at a very odd angle at the moment.

Does anyone have any ideas how to keep a tree upright in a tree stand?

Also, maybe the tree is drunk -- I did put a lot of water in it.


Anonymous said...

haha bet a fake tree isn't sounding to bad now huh? Maybe the tree is drunk since you did by it from a liquor store...:) we do have a fake one at work and it doesn't stand either, string is holding that one up to...maybe all the trees suck this year

Anonymous said...

If a tree falls down in Aaron's home, and no one is around, has the tree in fact, raided Aaron's liquor-cabinet?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you need to make sure that the screws at the bottom are evenly screwed in to your real tree. Perhaps using a level or plumb line can help if your line of sight is off due to the smell from the tanked-tree.

Anonymous said...

Visit your hardware store and ask for the blue viagra pill for trees.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but I told you buying your tree from a liqueur store was a bad idea. (By the way, liqueur is a smaller, sweeter fancier version of liquor - pronounced lik 'yoor, accent on the last syllable).


AaronG said...

either way, my tree sucks at the moment.

Anonymous said...

If the real tree is not making it, you might want to consider an artificially inseminated one!

Anonymous said...

Does your tree stand have a stake in it - not just the screws? If not, I'd suggest getting one that does. that secures the tree to the stand in the upright, sober position!

Anonymous said...

it is my belief that it is okay for the tree to be tilted slightly toward the wall/corner. so that if it does fall, it will only hit the wall and not come crashing down to wake up the whole house.

if that doesn't work: fishing line. anchor the tree to something.

Anonymous said...

oh, i forgot to mention, your tree looks lovely!

AaronG said...

That's not actually my tree but it is tilted towards the wall.