Thursday, November 02, 2006

Worst. Halloween. Costume. Ever.

It's a couple days late, but I was thinking about this today. When I was six, my dad dressed me up like a bag of leaves. Not like a pirate. Not like a Transformer. Not like Roger Clemens or Larry Bird. Like a bag of leaves.

The costume consisted of a hefty bag with arms and leg holes cut-out. And, of course, leaves, gathered from the front yard by my all too-willing brother. One leaf, I believe, was hairpinned to my head. Another leaf was drawn on my cheek with lipstick -- just to make sure people knew what I was.

20 years later and I am still scarred by this! Thanks Dad!


jdjones said...

I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there. That's hilarious! Simply comedic genius!

AaronG said...

No. Nothing funny about that...only funny to look at, not be and therein lies the problem. Dare you to do that next year instead of your color blind Bobby Jones!

Welcome to the blog old friend.

Anonymous said...

JDjones, thank you for the complement. Actually, that wasn't my first choice but hey all the stuff was free and in 1986, a bag of leaves was in. What Aaron doesn't remember was the other stuff in the bag but let's not go into that, let's just say it made for interesting neighborhood conversation. Aaron, your were on the cutting edge of societal evolution but alas it's after effects did you bad, a disdain for bathrobes, and I am deeply sorry.

Anonymous said...

a lipstick leaf on your cheek... priceless.

Anonymous said...

WHAT!? you went trick or treating when you were six? what is the deal here.

AaronG said...

No...not trick or treating...went to a school costume party. In the interest of full disclosure I should let you know that I'm pretty sure I won. But...again...for being a bag of leaves.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Aaron! I never knew about that! That is the best costume...maybe it was after this that the rest of us were not allowed to go Trick Or Treating! You probably got made fun of so much! Where the heck are the pictures!?!?