Monday, November 13, 2006

A Terrible Thing To Waste

Now that my mind is fully functioning again, I've spent most of the morning reading Richard Swinburne. Nobody was as excited as me. Nobody.

And now that I'm returning to good health, this means no more re-runs of Girlfriends. Yes. For three afternoons I sat through this show. Not a bad show. Not a good show either. Such is what happens when you don't have cable and a disease people used to frequently die from.

I supposed you could call this my first physical brush with death. No. Not Girlfriends, the pneumonia. I wasn't that sick -- but my fever was pushing 102+ and I was coughing, hurling and quite delirious. Still, people used to die from pneumonia -- so I'm calling it my first official brush with death.

Seems I didn't miss much though. It was a bad week to be a Republican (though less and less I'm considering myself one -- seems I'm more libertarian). It was a bad week to be a Celtics fan. Here's my season preview: they suck and Doc Rivers is the worst coach ever. It was a bad week to be a Patriots fan -- I'd rather not discuss the propositions that back up this statement.

On a more positive note: We're having a baby boy(!) and tonight we buy his/our first official outfit for him/us. And no, it won't be a Red Sox sleeper (though that will be the outfit he comes home from the hospital in). This is very exciting.


Anonymous said...

First dush with breath! You've got to be kidding me! It sounds more like a remedy that a disease.

Anonymous said...

I think it should be a Cardinal sleeper

Anonymous said...

A new plasma tv and no cable. That in itself calls for someone to die.

Anonymous said...

One should not so quickly jettison a party just because of its deriliction of duty to its constituency or its losing of its way. Courage demands not a cut and run scheme rather a focus that, irregardless of the ways things may be, always persists with an end that is surprising.

AaronG said...

Yes but if said focus shifts than "cut and run" is allowable. Plus, I've always been middle of the line but sided Republican because of my philosophy of what government should be -- such a philosophy seems to be more in line with the surface of libertarians than with the current Republicans.

And irregardless is not a word.

Anonymous said...

Yet, if you do not like the party get involved and change it, like many of the conservative democrats are attempting to do.

BTW - definition below

[Origin: 1910–15; ir-2 (prob. after irrespective) + regardless]

—Usage note Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.

Anonymous said...

Glad to read that you are doing much better.
If said baby is going to be returning home in a new suit, please let it not be a Red Sox suit. Their claim to fame is only one world series in 80 years and many many years of disapointment.
Don't abandon the party because its leaders took a vacation from history. Step back, regroup, support strong people. The party has to retake the high road both in a physical sense and a rhetorical manner.

AaronG said...

Geez -- you think my not being a Republican was the end of the world. Only, I was only ever BARELY a republican -- social issues, defense and size of government. And I'm not going to get involved. It's a waste of time. There's more ways I can contribute to the world at large than by stregthening my particular political agenda and making sure it's in power.

I'm by all means an active voter and have political opinions and consider myself very well educated politically (and will continue to do so). But it's a damned mess right now and has been for some time that there's more I have to offer and more I could concern myself with that will serve much greater goods than forming and enforcing, by my actions, a political position.

I'm not happy the democrats control the senate and house. Their positions on defense is just piss poor and it's the biggest threat facing the country right now. I'm also embarrassed by our country's debt issues and the size and control of this government (not entirely related to security). I'm not disillusioned by it all -- I'm tired of it, the opinions, the red tape and the machinations of parties.

TomKat's weekend wedding is much more interesting to me and the morning news networks.

Anonymous said...

Now, you know I'm a Sox fan, but unless your bouncing baby boy is born on Opening Day (or maybe if there's a Sox vs Yankees game), he should not wear a Red Sox sleeper home from the hospital. Is your wife aware of this wardrobe decision?

AaronG said...'s not like the baby's room or anything will be covered in Red Sox gear (we're thinking animals). It's my little boy and the wife has whole-heartedly agreed because he's my little boy too -- and we like the Red Sox in this family (truth be told, the Mrs. is actually quite a big red sox fan herself)

Anyway -- he'll be in a Red Sox Sleeper

Anonymous said...

Does an OOG God finds delight in the method of revelation through the aesthetic of communication, well crafted, though not always easy to understand? Is there such a thing? And, in what language?

Anonymous said...

as long as mommy agrees. if she's doing all the work, she picks the wardrobe.