Friday, November 17, 2006

Pleasure or Virtue

Being unable to sleep this morning, I elected to finish a tome (GRE word!) I'd been working on for the past week (For the record: finishing a book proves nothing. It's highly overrated). Overall, I didn't like it. But I had to read it for class, so here I was at 7:30am stumbling across a rather challenging paragraph while Jars of Clay played on the iPod -- keeping me awake until this point. Richard Swinburne presents an example I think you'll find challenging:

Suppose you were to exist in another world before your birth and this one and you were told you would have only a few minutes in this world. During that time you would be a perfectly salubrious (GRE word!) adult. You are given two options for such an existence: a few minutes of considerable pleasure of the kind usually incurred by taking a drug like heroin; a few minutes of childbirth whereby you would bring a living, sentient (GRE word!) being into existence.

Which would you choose? It's the choice between pleasure and virtue; between a greater and lesser good. Still, as obvious as that is -- it's not an easy choice...or is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! But He had no option because no disparity existed.