Thursday, May 04, 2006

Love, Romance and Beyond

So I just got done watching this movie Beyond Borders. Angelina Jolie. Clive Owen. Some guy who looks like the new Bond. Not a bad film. But not worthy of a review except for this point. On the cover, as you can see, it's labeled: "The Quintessential Love Story for the New Millennium". And not to spoil the plot for you, but....

Woman marries man (the bond-esque dude). Meets another man who expresses his distate for rich people and talks about saving the sick and poor in other countries. Woman goes to Africa, develops a crush. Fast forward five years. Woman and bond-man have child. Marriage is difficult. Bond-man goes, actually, Bond on her and has affair. Woman gets mad, goes to Cambodia to meet other man. They fall in love. Consummate the affair. Man tells woman he's too dangerous and it won't work. Woman leaves. Fast forward 7 years. Woman and Bond-man have two kids (read: love child). Now, woman hears other man is missing. Woman goes to Czechnia to find him and leaves Bond-man.

I'm sorry, but if the the quintessential love story for the new millennium is this, then affairs and lies and betrayal and mistrust are essential to modern romance. Nothing like love, true love, to bring two people together and tear marriages and families apart.

The thing of it is: I don't think they're actually wrong. And that's sad.


Anonymous said...

The mistake made by the producers was that what goes on in Africa, Cambodia and Czechnia stays in those countries. Never ever kiss and tell.

Anonymous said...

when you skip and hop and kiss a lot of frogs yoe get a lot of little warts.
point follow the penguin

Anonymous said...

What's not wrong? This modern day metaphor for relationships or oen that is rooted and grounded in the covenant of commitment?

AaronG said...

No. The fact that it's called quintessential love story for the new millenium. I was offering an opinion/commentary. That what they're calling a model love story is based on lies, deception, mistrust and lust. And how it seems that actually may be the case in this current time. And that's sad.

Bag Limit said...

Really nice commentary, GIRL!