Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hero's In A Jail Cell

So it seems God has a sense of humor. I know God made the stars on the second stars?

Anyway, not to mock the guy for doing the Lord's work, but did God really say a Ninja? Are you sure He didn't say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Or maybe even a Samurai? How about like Daniel LaRusso? But Ninja? Really? God said that?

The thing of it is: if I were going to burn something down, I'd probably dress like this guy and say the devil made me do it. Everyone knows they're evil and it would be justified.


Anonymous said...

I thought Johnny Damon was Satan.

mel said...

What about George Steinbrenner? Does this make Splinter an evil one???

Anonymous said...

In Nyack, NY another porn place tried to open with 24/7 video booths. The town rallied, the Catholic League rallied and even Steve Baldwin -the better brother of you know who-and prevetned this from happening. Operating within the law is still the way to do present