Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Because I've Had Plenty Of Time To Think

There's not a whole lot for me to do. I take pictures. I take care of the Mrs. I arrange family visits. I hold my son. And I think.

I wonder if years from now he'll wonder what happened on the day he was born. Not much, honestly. No big sporting events, no Boston team won -- or even played. Not a lot of news. Reports of his birth were the big story in our newsroom. It was pretty much his day.

I've certainly been watching too much American Idol when I see one of the nursery nurses and think to myself, "She looks a little like Antonella". I really do hate that show.

Remember "O Draconian Devil" from the Da Vinci Code? Well babies have this thing...well...let's just say the proper phrase should be "O Meconium Devil". Trust me on this.

Not a lot of famous people born on March 12. He may very well be the first. I have high hopes for this.

Interesting coincidence: March 12 is the birthday of Jack Kerouac. He's an author. Wrote "On the Road", described as ''a magnificent single paragraph several blocks long, rolling, like the road itself." I've never read it. Though I might give it a shot. But here's the coincidence. Kerouac was born in Lowell, Massachusetts. I grew up in Lowell. Lowell is my hometown. It's where I'm from. It's a coincidence, sure. But it's a fun one.

What's not a coincidence are the tales that I've been told from friends about the early hours before Isaac's birth. Several have told me stories of how they were moved to pray in hours before morning yesterday. Prayers which I am forever grateful for. Knowing that the prospect of C-section was all but definite and somehow she was able to deliver the baby herself -- shocking even the doctor -- well those prayers were answered. Thank you to those who prayed. It brings me enormous awe, quite humbling really, knowing that God is interested on such a personal level. That there is that much at stake.

Anyway, I've got highly more theoretical thoughts than Antonella and Jack Kerouac. There's not much else to do. But for now, the Mrs. and Little Man are doing quite well today. Day Two. But my thoughts from a previous day looking forward to this particular morning, serve me well right now.


You bring my love with you,

Whenever you should come.
Don't forget or leave behind,
My love that's grown through time.

Grasp it in your holding hands;
Hold it on your tasteless tongue;
It can't be lost, but hold still tight,

You who bring my love with life.

That it's bigger than you

I am aware.
But somehow it does fit
(like you in there).

My love for you it sits,
In such tiny fingertips.
However big you may one day be,
This love will tower over you,
Like the nearest tree.

But don't worry, you can hold my love,
And bring it with you, when you come.

So now my baby, my child, has come
And he has brought with him my love.


Anonymous said...

Please Aaron send the pictures You don'nt know how much we are enjoying seeing them, also the day was our highlight, knowing that our Great Grandson was born.Always are Prayers are with The Three of you. Love OOBNA,OOBM

Anonymous said...

What a day…I am happy for you guys can’t wait for April. You will pass out when you hear what Micah is going to teach Isaac (I can’t give it away it will have to come from his lips). But the Red Sox did play last night and beat the Yankees. I know it was only a spring game but the Sox won. It was a great day all around. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving you with 2 shocks today Aaron...

1. I am actually reading a blog (unprecedented...and don't tell Jefe b/c I have still to set foot on his blog)

2. I have read On the Road...Yes, Lou has read it...Granted, it was required reading, but I read it, and it is a great book...

Congrats on baby I.J.!!

sara* said...

Where are all these pictures you speak of?

AaronG said...

Yeah, they're not loading for some reason. Sorry. i'll see if I can fix it later

Anonymous said...

Liza Minnelli was born on March 12, 1946!