Saturday, October 28, 2006

Red Bled Green

The Basketball Jesus was my teacher; but Red was painting on the wall that everyone admired.

Here's a good column on him.

And, he'd have been excited about this year's team. We've got a good team. For the first time in a long time.


Anonymous said...

I'm a kid of the parque floor,
I walked the hallowed halls
Where the view was tough at times.
I met the greats as they hit the floor and shook their hands when the good game was a team game.

I spent Friday nights above the lights for two bucks but the view was perfect, the air was pure, the game purer still.

And Red was THE COACH
And that meant each player was never greater never lesser than another.

Red was The Boston Garden
Red was Celtic Green
Red was COACH
Red was Mr. Basketball
Red still is.

Anonymous said...

Right on

Anonymous said...

The whole city's in mourning.

On another note, have you seen The Departed yet?

AaronG said...

No...hoping to see it in the next week...maybe tomorrow. Heard the accents are spot on.

Anonymous said...

see it immediately, if not sooner. it's a shame all you've heard about are the accents. the rest of the movie is pretty darn good. scott's seen it three times.

Anonymous said...

Garbage In
Garbage Out

Anonymous said...

sounds like you don't find the movie appropriate, care to explain?


AaronG said...

As long as he's talking about the movie and not Red. Otherwise, well, let's just say such a person might've lit a "cigar" under me.

I hear the movie is excellent in many facets and look forward to seeing it...though I may not feel like paying the full price and wait a month till it hits the theaters for 50 cents.

Also, coming soon, perhaps a preview of the 2006-2007 Celtics that, like, three of my readers may appreciate. Till then, papers and deadlines to meet...sorry.

And remember to vote next Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

The Departed is rated R for strong brutal violence, pervasive language, some strong sexual content, and drug material. There's relentless profanity, including use of the f-bomb nearly as often as the average person uses "the," not to mention irreverent references to God, racial slurs, and crude sexual references. The strong sexual content seems less a reference a scene of intimacy and more in connection with a scene that takes place in a porno theater. Though the violence doesn't get too graphic, there's plenty of brutality through numerous bloody shootings and intense beatings.

I see and hear this in real life and I see the results in the faces of women and you all live in a bubble of self-indulgence without moral position

Anonymous said...

I'm not advocating that children attend this movie - not in the least. consenting adults, who know right from wrong and appreciate good movies, yes. and from the knowledge you have of the movie, you have seen it also...

Anonymous said...

Sara's got a point. It sounds like you saw it, did you? Or did you get all of that info from a website? If you saw it, should you really be casting stones? (I'm thinking of your line . . . "do you all live in a bubble of self-indulgence without moral position"


AaronG said...

So who's ready for my Celtics preview?

Anonymous said...

Oh, was this blog about the Celtics? I thought we were talking about movie reviews. Sorry,


Anonymous said...

Re: "the bubble of self-indulgence"


There were no child-beatings in The Departed, and uh, it's a movie.

Maybe you'll learn the difference someday.

Anonymous said...

Bring on the Celtics!

Anonymous said...

To dcz regarding 'Yawn' Thank you for answering my question. For Aaron this is onomatopoeia (GRE). For dcz, you might want to wake up and see what the day brings to light: Logos and Zoe