Thursday, October 12, 2006


Apologies to Jerry Seinfield, but what's the deal with bathrobes? I don't get it. Perhaps for the woman, it is necessary. Modesty is an issue. But for the guy? No excuse.

Not only are they some type of oddly made coat, in that it comes down to your knees, but there are 3/4 sleeves. Seriously, guys, 3/4 sleeves? And, really, how difficult is it in the morning to get out of bed and throw sweatpants on, or yesterday's jeans (you'll be wearing them to work anyway) or a sweatshirt? It takes the same amount the time. You are invariably warmer and it serves the same purpose -- whatever that is. And it's more comfortable. How, you ask? For starters, you don't have 3/4 sleeves. Also, and this is important, you don't look like a fool.

It's about time we did away with bathrobes. It's a stupid, antediluvian (can you tell I'm taking the GRE soon?) concept.


Steve Carroll said...

last monday i took a shower and i left the bathroom door open because logan was sleeping on my bed and i was alone. well i heard a bang so jumped out of the shower and grabbed my towel to cover my loins and logan was sound asleep but Josh Jones who i had invited over and has his own key was standing there wishing I had a bathrobe!!!

AaronG said...

You'd look better in a towel than in a bathrobe. Though I seem to remember you leaving me with even less back in the day.

Anonymous said...

you two seem to be enjoying a brokeback mountain moment. ouch.

Anonymous said...

Okay you two... no more bathroom discussion.

I would like to say though that I looooooove my bathrobe.

Anonymous said...

To me bathrobes are like panties... they look better on the floor.


Anonymous said...

You Sir, clearly sound like someone who has never owned a bathrobe. So you must have never enjoyed toasty sensation of being bundled up in a nice, warm robe on a cold morning. The 3/4 sleeves allow for maximum flexibility while still providing coverage for the wearer. Pajamas are pajamas for a reason. Particular articles of clothing serve particular functions. A tux is meant for a special social occasion. Suits are often worn by most of us in the professional working world, and fannypacks are still worn by those still suffering from pac-man fever who have yet to discover girls. The bathrobe serves its function well for the person comfortable at home, with no immediate plans of leaving.

Are you opposed to slippers as well?

Anonymous said...

And as for looking like a fool, what better place to "act a fool" than in the comfort of your own home? Even with all of its alleged "faults", the mens bathrobe still ranks a bit higher on the masculinity-scale than say, the "man-bag" or "murse" if you will. :)

AaronG said...

No. I love slippers. They keep your feet warm and are easily kicked off. Also, they do not track the outside in whereas sneakers, should you wear them like slippers, would.

However, how you can say that bathrobes are comfortable, I am not sure. And how they keep you warmer than a sweatshirt? The fact is you can sit comfortably in a bathrobe because it's a glorified trench coat -- it keeps opening up at the bottom. A sweatshirt is much more practical.

As for looking like a fool -- you're right -- where else should you be able to look like a fool (though my father would differ). Still there remains a big difference between looking like a fool and feeling like a fool. I argue the latter is even more damaging in the "comfort of your own home".

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, oh boy. I don't "glorify" my bathrobe. I simply wear it around the house, and have never flashed anyone in it a la trenchcoat.

I guess I'm just one of the millions of weirdos out there who do crazy, nonsensical things like....wearing a bathrobe (sigh).

I can't believe I let myself get sucked into a debate about a bathrobe. I have no one but myself to blame.

So, I'll make your day and say the words that I know you live to win. Exactly what? I don't know.

Steve Carroll said...

Sara Ryan!!! or is it Sara Ryan-Thomas maybe Sara Thomas-Ryan possible still Sara Thomas????

Which ever you settled on it is awsome to find you and you have your own blog too!!! rockin I'll be over in a minute!!!