So the little one has past the 17 week mark. The Mrs. has started to feel the baby move. Apparently, our child doesn't like seat belts very much. Also, this means that the baby has the ability to hear the two of us. An idea and realization that is not lost on me. But I wonder if the baby has any questions for us. I suppose the situation is similar to my
Questions For God...questions that baby would want answered when it gets here. Of course, I don't expect such questions to be as erudite (there's a GRE word) as mine were. Still, they may have their merit.
Based on the fact that the Mrs. is usually eating a pickle or two during Seinfield re-runs at 11:30, one question could be: What's the deal with the pickles?
Since I watch a lot of baseball -- especially in October -- another question may revolve around why
Tim McCarver is such a buffoon. Although, I was really hoping FOX would bring back
Scooter this year to explain what a curveball is to my unborn child who may be the only person who doesn't know what it is. But, alas.
Perhaps a third question would allow me to answer a question I have. Since I golf quite a good deal, I would not be surprised if, somewhere in the womb, lies the answer to my slice.
But amending that Questions For God post, I'm sure once the baby gets here those questions would disappear in an instant (and that's too bad because I could really use the golf advice, it's killing me), much like it will when we get to heaven (though I think that BlowPop question might nag me on into eternity). There'll be too much else to take in. Too much else to try and grasp. I know I have a lot of questions for the baby (and there's a pickle question in there). Questions I know will disappear in that instant.