Monday, May 28, 2007


For those of you keeping score at home, this is my 200th post since I started this blog 13 months ago. That averages out to some 13 posts a month; about 3 posts a week. In that time I've had more than 10,000 visitors to the site as well. Not bad. But in comparison to, say,, that total is, well, close to nothing at all. But then again I'm not trying to be the world-wide leader.

But there is cause to celebrate. The thing of it is (yes, I'm breaking that out): the 200th of something is a rare cause to celebrate. Off the top of my head, 200 is recognized as a milestone in television, with the 200th episode of a show. It's usually considered the ultimate goal because it takes about 8 years or so to reach and means the show's got staying power. 200 is also a significant number in baseball: 200 hits in a season; 200 wins in a career for a pitcher.

That covers quantity. As far as time goes, well, 200 isn't a popular anniversary. And if there were an Idiots Guide to Celebrating Anniversaries, I'd want it to address the topic of what anniversaries to celebrate. Clearly, the 1st and 2nd years following the date are important. After that? Do we really need to pay such close attention to 3 and 4? 5, sure. Then 10, 25, 50, and 75. Of course there's 100. Maybe 125 like baseball did a few years ago. 150? Not really. 200, maybe. Like the bicentennial in '76.

Along those lines, here's some 200 year anniversaries you should put in your calender over the next few years. Moments you're going to want to remember later this year.

August 17th: The first launch of the commercial steamboat. The world was never the same.

That's about it. But there are more 200-year milestone's approaching in the next five years. So mark these down.

February 12, 2009: Births of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln. There's evolution for you. Two great minds born on the same day. And they both later died. So much for survival of the fittest.

December 30, 2009: Boston bans the wearing of masks at balls. I'm not sure this law has ever been repealed.

March 25, 2011: The great comet discovery. Great balls of fire and all.

February 11, 2012: The invention of gerrymandering. Love that word.

June 1, 1812: The War of 1812 begins. Hopefully it'll be over by 2012. And don't forget to remember Dolly Madison's heroic efforts in your celebrations.

Happy 200th everyone.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 200th blog
Its better than 200 flogs
Or caught in 200 cogs
Or kissed by 200 frogs
Or hit by 200 logs
Or better than 200 jogs
But not 200 egg nogs
But better than 200 hogs
Or hearing 200 dogs
And 200 days of fog

Bag Limit said...

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