Sunday, May 13, 2007

On The Theotokos

It's Mother's Day. The Mrs'. first Mother's Day. Isaac and I both got her gifts and I think she liked mine better. His involved his footprints (ooooohhhh!) while mine involved something called decoupage.

But today I was reminded of another idea that has never really gotten any play in church on days like today. Usually today Ephesians is quoted about honoring your parents and, perhaps, what that means. Yet especially on the Protestant Branch of the Church I have yet to come across an idea involving my favorite Greek word: Theotokos.

I came across it Theology class years ago. Apart from it's meaning, and I'm not trying to be sacrilegious here, it always sounds like something Robin would say. As in "Holy Theotokos, Batman! The Riddler's done it again!" And for awhile I tried to implement it in moments where I was, also, astounded. Never really caught on.

It's a term used to identify Mary, the Mother of Jesus. It means, and Eric will probably correct my Greek, "God-bearer". I've long been affected by the idea of Mary we find in Scripture. She is given a prominent role by the authors of the Gospels. Yet doesn't ever seem to receive much praise or wonder in Protestant theologies. Don't get me wrong, Marian Theology in the Catholic Church has gone a little overboard. But her role in the Gospels is interesting and undeniable. How this one woman, this teenager, was charged to give birth to the Christ.

All that being said, today we honor our bearers. Those amazing and powerful and graceful and loving and astounding women who have given us life. We are endlessly thankful for your bearing of us. As for how you were able and are able to do it -- all you Moms out there -- I have one expression I use: Holy Theotokos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a friend whose name was Theo Tokos. Now I know why he would get into fights when kids called him Mary