Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Useless Information

It occurs to me that God knows the exact number of hairs on my head. And on top of that, knows the number of the grains of sand. Apparently, God and I have this common: we both know random things. For instance, watch a red sox game with me and you'll see all the pointless stats I can dribble off for each player. When asked why or how I know such and such, I say: I just know stuff. Try and beat me at this game. But sometimes I think my seemingly meaningless knowledge actually enhances the enjoyment of a sox game. Sometimes. Of course, every now and then, I'm wrong. I suppose God's seemingly useless knowledge does much of the same for life.

The thing of it is: I'm in a beach volleyball league right now and I'm constantly getting sand in my hair. Now you know something completely random and useless. Isn't that ironic?

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