Thursday, June 01, 2006

You Probably Think This Post Is About You

So I'm now in the market for a new car. I like these two models the best (used of course). But last time I went shopping for a car, we ended up with this. Not a bad little car at all. And named after the dolphin (It's no longer produced anymore :( ). One thing that will not be a part of my car are vanity plates. Sure it's fun to try and figure out what they're saying on a long road trip, but is it necessary?

In countries, like South Africa, license plates are simple. Numbers and letter represent what region of the country the vehicle and owner are from. Here in the U.S., "MY Z3" tells me, what, I guess, I took for granted when I saw the Z3 -- that it was yours. I'm glad that vanity has a role over here. Otherwise, I'd think things like: "Hey, that's not your Z3 you're driving!" or "Wait. Isn't that my Z3!"

The thing of it is: when I was a kid, after November 20, 1993, I wanted my first license plate on my car to say 41-39 BC.


Anonymous said...

Go with the Jetta

Anonymous said...

Go with a Volvo 240 wagon. Oops, they are no longer built.

Anonymous said...

Buy used
Pay cash
Bargain down with cash

DCZ said...

get a license plate that says "ASSMAN"

Anonymous said...

Paging Dr. Prock

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.