Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Some Thoughts On Pluto

So Pluto is no longer a planet. That's sad. I feel for it really. It's not its fault. Now relegated to moniker "dwarf planet", pluto, still orbiting the sun, now has nothing to shoot's not even a star! For 70+ years the tiny celestial body had held out hope an explorer would navigate its virgin soils. But now, who wants to visit a dwarf planet?

And what's with the title "dwarf planet"? Seems highly unoriginal. But then again, the same people who came up with Pluto as a planet, also have the same task of making Pluto something else. (And does this mean we no longer have to capitalize pluto? Is it still a proper noun? I'm confused). Why not Planooneroidock? I like that...seems to embody what Pluto does. But dwarf planet? We have dwarf humans, but they're still human. But Pluto isn't a planet. Again, I'm confused.

The thing of it is: I always loved pluto. It wasn't my favorite planet, but it is now, certainly, my favorite dwarf planet/planooneroidock/non-planet. Maybe one day it'll be Xena...Warrior Princess...I hear she can sing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy each of the "dwarf throwing" contests that I have entered. Strap them little buggers in a harness and let them fly.