Friday, August 25, 2006

I'll Alaska

Been working a lot this past week. Serves me right for taking a rather splendid vacation, in, of all places, Delaware. That's right, Delaware. It's like a larger (or smaller?) version of Cape Cod. Not too bad at all. Top that off with some great QT with by sister, bro-in-law, and two nephews.

Of course work, these past few days (I've put in some 42 hours in three days), has all but made that a distant memory.

But not to worry, I've not given up on this blog, or the Red Sox for those of you who were wondering if I even survived this past weekend.

The thing of it is: I had to watch those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad games with a smug, ridiculously annoying Yankee fan of the worst kind (if only there were a picture of him holding something while wearing something else that I could link to here...then...maybe...justice would be served). Yes, that's right, before there was Daniel Powter, there was Alexander and I felt his pain.


Anonymous said...

check your e-mail for a picture

AaronG said...

but I can''s too mean!

Anonymous said...

i guess you have the tin man beat you have a heart