Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Define The Vote

Colbert Analyzes Wikipedia

Bringing democracy to knowledge. It's an interesting idea. But first I must bring you the context. For that see the embedded video.

Now that you've watched that, you understand the reference that is interestingly (?) post-modern. Sure it's a dangerous idea; a very dangerous idea. But it doesn't have to be, at least not if we say it doesn't have to be. Now I'm not for revisionism in history. Paraphrasing Plato,"just because they are the majority, does not make them right." And truth be told, I'm not the biggest fan of democracy; the U.S. is not a perfect government. And while democracy is the best form of government, it isn't the bestest (?); unfortunately, there's nothing better.

Bringing democracy to knowledge is dangerous. Too dangerous. It undermines knowledge and even more so, truth. But it's fascinating idea.

The thing of it is: For those regular visitors to this site, you've noticed a provide quite a few links to Wikipedia for explanation. I do this because while a dictionary may be the most verifiable and undeniable source for explanation, Wikipedia provides you with context. And when you have context, understanding the truth becomes easier.

1 comment:

sara* said...

Crazy like Fox News.

Hysterical! I LOVE it.