Wednesday, April 26, 2006

But I Don't Want To Be a Pirate

In the newsroom today (I work, obviously, in a newsroom), Teri Hatcher having to wear an eye patch was a topic of discussion. On ESPN radio this morning, Barry Bonds perjury investigation was the topic of discussion. I seem to remember another perjury investigation years ago. But I don't think Bonds will be lighting up a cigar to celebrate the final outcome in this one. Thank you court of public opinion. But then again, can't say I think much of public opinion, though, when these stories dominate the headlines.

The thing of it is: both Hatcher and Bonds look much different as Pirates.


Bag Limit said...

Excellent job connecting a Desperate Housewife to a Plunger Pusher. Kudos.

Anonymous said...

You want a public opinion? Check out the latest poll question on OhioNewsNow.

Anonymous said...


AaronG said...

I don't think that site publishes poll questions anymore...something about a new web-site.