Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Post Of Discontent

And so it begins. Well, it's already started. My least favorite month of the year: February. No sports to aimlessly waste time watching; no teams to pull for. Nothing. And these past couple of days haven't been any better, so allow me to lament my travails for the moment.

First, the Colts won. Have I mentioned I hate the Colts, despise Peyton Manning and utterly detest the fact that they beat the Pats on some suspect calls (as you can see I'm still not over this 2 1/2 weeks later).

Next, it snowed in Columbus over the past couple of days. The city just shuts down. Roads are not plowed. And the general attitude is that the city is doing what it can. But it's not. Cleveland never has problems like this. It's unacceptable. It's mornings like this that I pine for Boston.

Then, I got rejected by OSU for grad school. It was my top choice -- if only for convenience, but still my top choice -- and I got denied. Thanks for playing. But they told me it "doesn't reflect on my ability to undertake graduate studies." So I got that going for me, which is good. I've still got two other options and I know whatever happens, things will work out. Doesn't mean it can't sting a little.

Oh, and I came into work early today for my normal shift on Wednesday only to find out I'm working a different shift (means I must stay an hour and a half later). Not sure if I missed that on the schedule or my bosses' changed the schedule. But I need someone to blame, so I'm blaming them.

And my knee is hurting so bad I've had to postpone racquetball matches and can't play basketball either. I also can't walk without some measure of pain. For some, that's no big deal. But me not being able to play's not good.

I realize these problems are trite compared to the woes of others. I really do. And on the bright side, my son's about to be born and there's much there to be thankful for. And I don't offer this lightly either. Thinking about fact makes my problems fade away.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your getting old.

Anonymous said...

For you, it's your son. For me, it's good fried chicken (see post). We all need something to get us through the bad times.

sam accounted for and medkits are ready said...

just to top that all off I am sitting here on your computor waiting for you to come home!!!
aren't you excited?
the thing is though it seem that all the roads except your driveway are clear! why should it? You should shovel you own driveway I had to this morning!
Well talk to you later!

sam accounted for and medkits are ready said...

never mind..
I was just informed that you roads just melted and werent scraped. I apologize! By the way it is really silly that I am writing on this when you are right upstairs!!!

sara* said...

Hey! Sorry to hear about grad school. Where else did you apply?

AaronG said...

I've still got the university of Dayton and University of Cincinnati. And if I don't get in I'll probably take some undergrad english courses to beef up my appeal for next year.

J Dog said...

It's funny Raleigh actually shuts down with the threat of snow, I'm serious. "Hey we might get some snow." CLOSE THE SCHOOLS!

Anonymous said...

As far as academics go...and only academics...$%^& Ohio State and apply to Michigan!

And at my church we support the New Orleans Saints.

I have yet to be rejected by anyone, but I also have doubts if I will return to school at all. (Eric was rejected by two schools as I recall and Carmen was rejected by 3 or 4 Med Schools.) I might have discovered something that may lead me to "putting on the uniform" (though not in TSA). We'll see, I might try working for Habitat next year as well. I'm still praying about it all.

And after your wonderful Wife gives birth to your boy have her look for a good knee surgeon for you.

I want to call you all, but I keep forgetting your work schedule and don't want to wake you up.