Wednesday, October 24, 2007

On Standing

We stand for different reasons. To keep from sitting to long. The Pledge of Allegiance. A bride walking down the aisle. But for Isaac on Monday, he stood because he figured out he could. I could describe that moment, the first moment he stood for something. Albeit that something was merely because he realized he can.

It was an out-of-the-blue occurrence. Just days before he had started grabbing for things above him. Balancing on three of his four extremities. But on Monday, he made the bold move of, while doing the three-fourths balancing act, to lift his other hand onto the shelf of the entertainment center. I think at that moment, my son developed a dare-devil spirit. Not content with that accomplishment, he strove for something more. Strove to stand for something. It took a minute or so, one that involved him rocking back and forth, hands perched on the shelf, knees under him, during which time he laughed mischievously aloud. And this caught our attention. What was he planning?

Then I saw his leg scoop underneath him and the sole of his foot go flush with the floor. I turned and whispered to the Mrs. , pointing out the development. I mouthed, "Get the camera" and she ran into the other room. Thankfully, he didn't make any move until she got back. And before she could turn it on, he arose. Feet square with the ground, shoulder width apart.

It's the first of his firsts. Sure he was crolling (which has now become a crawl after Monday's events). Sure he ate his first meal, rolled over, slept through the night. But Monday was the first real moment the Mrs. and I realized our son was growing up. Almost too fast. Isaac was standing. Thinking about that moment, the achievement it was for him, one he did without our involvement, did solely on his own, speaks more to how fast he's growing up and how he's developing. In every other first we've been prominently involved. But here we were just bystanders (pardon the pun). Witness to his own will and desire and manifest destiny. And it's a moment and feeling I won't soon forget.

Our son, standing up.


Eric said...

It's funny you mention the "dare-devil spirit" of Isaac. When you first showed me this video (a couple days ago) that was the first thing I thought. The second thing I thought was: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

True, Eric, true!

Anonymous said...

It is really a joy to see the different phases of Isaac growing up. They are precious moments to remember and cherish and I know that you both will.

djl said...

Have you considered the possibility that your son is an Indians fan and couldn't bear to watch any more Red Sox coverage on ESPN?

No, seriously, congratulations. This is a life-changing'll be chasing him for the next 17 years.

Anonymous said...

Stand in the place where you live. Think about direction, wonder why you have it now.

Anonymous said...

You see if you would have changed his diaper sooner you would have covered this by now…The diaper box says that they hold up to 30 pounds. Not 30 pounds of you know what! You just keep changing him and he will be running around before long. He is looking good.