Monday, September 10, 2007

You Keep Using That Word

I'm not sure where I came across it, but the word desultory has popped into my head like a bad jingle. I fell asleep last night wondering whether I was being desultory or not. Whether dinner was desultory. Whether the Patriots convincing win was desultory. Whether I did a desultory job de-grouting the bathroom tile.

I jest with you not. I have wanted use this word in just about every sentence I've concocted over the past 20 hours. I have not, for fear that I will keep using the word and it will not mean what I think it means.

Where and when I stumbled across the word, I'm still not sure. Nor am I certain how it has snowballed into wanting to tell everyone how desultory they are being this Monday morning. But for all of that and all of this, I take solace and delight in the irony that I have the perfect word to describe the situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is the 6 year rememberance of 9-11, I think we are all experiencing a desultory day perhaps reflective of our ppost-modern era of meaninglessness despite of all we have. Echoes of Qoholeth