Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Missing: 33 Pages

So I'm in the midst of a book the other night when I turn the page. The proceeding sentence makes no sense. Maybe I missed something. I did not. It still doesn't make any sense. Turns out (ha!) that the next page is not in fact the next page but some 33 pages into the book's future. A quite unfortunate turn of events that required me to start a completely new book. Seriously, who just removes 33 pages? Because they were removed; no obvious tearing, fraying, just meticulously extricated from the book.

So I'm looking for 33 pages. From 120 to 153. Love in the Ruins. If anyone's seen them.

But hey, at least I'm not missing this.


Anonymous said...

The answer to your question is the code word 'CONDOR'

Anonymous said...

If that fellow jumping out of a perfectly good plane looses his other leg and arms then lands in the water. Is it okay to call him Bob??

Anonymous said...

Why is it always necessary to insult people without all four appendages? No, it would not be correct or kind to call him Bob. Rather, he should be named 'Buck.'

sara* said...

That news story was the funniest thing I've read in ages. I'm still chuckling.

Hope you found your pages!