Saturday, July 14, 2007

On Bending It

So Beckham mania has landed in the U.S. Couldn't be more thrilled except that he's playing for the MLS. I was excited years ago when the MLS began. When the Revolution became New England's contribution to American soccer. Then I watched a game. Yup. The Revolution were certainly contributing to American soccer.

I've played soccer since I was five. And there are videos to prove it. Videos that show me slide-tackling the other team at 7 years old. As my sister point out, "You were playing dirty at 7!". And there's some suspect audio of me yelling at a ref. Proud moments on the pitch, let me tell you. The highlight coming when I slid at the ball, over-slid and locked my arm around the ball, rolling over with the ball, and continuing to bring the ball up-field. That's a handball. It's illegal in soccer.

I watched those videos upon my trip to Maine, having heard about their existence for a couple of years. It was thoroughly entertaining. That, along with the running commentary my brother and I provided, critiquing both of our pre-pubescent abilities on the pitch.

There's not much difference between the talent in those videos and the MLS. I represented the future of soccer in America at one point. Proudly, too. But 20 years later, the future of American soccer is still as murky and unclear and as woefully unsteady as my attempt to sell that handball. Beckham will steady the ship. Generate some buzz. And be thoroughly entertaining to watch. Even if he is washed up. Even if this stint with the Galaxy are not much more than Jordan's allegedly playing with the Wizards (I contend that never happened).

My hope is this will bend things for American soccer. Bending it around a wall of mediocrity. Extending the metaphor, this shot doesn't have to even be close to scoring, doesn't have to hit the post or go in, it just needs to bend around the wall.

The future of American soccer is on the other side.

NOTE: My attempt at joining the legions of EPL fans fell miserably short this year. My new cable system gives me La Liga games, primarily only those featuring Real Madrid. But expect more posts on soccer in the future.


Anonymous said...

Ehh.... soccer is a Communist sport.

Anonymous said...

what are you talking about? soccer is a Communist sport. So where is Rugby on your list of Communist sprots? And now we must all bow down and take a lesson from the great soccer master and bloger. He has the video. I think it would be nice to see some of this history on this blog in video. No more words lets see the video

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anon...

Sometimes your comments are the result of a head-butt you must have received in a soccer game...or are you just naturally stupid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Football, is a cryptofacist metaphor for War,, thereby training America's youth to achieve ground aquisition by violent force if needed. So, we're prepared for war. Soccer, teaches one to run around the field aimlessly, while drunken fans barf on each other.. i rest my case

Anonymous said...

and you thought that i was dumb

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the about taking your meds?

AaronG said...

I get the feeling this is the same person having a conversation with himself.

Cryptofascist? Metaphor for war? Good god, what is all this banter good for? Also: it doesn't make sense.

It's fine if you don't like soccer. And Russia/communism is the last thing I associate with soccer. Soccer in Russia? Russia a powerhouse on the pitch? what? Nonsense.

I liked the article... a good read. Valid point on how americans are arrogant and wary of any sport they didn't invent. Take for example, Kabaddi

Anonymous said...

who cares about all this........

GO CUBS!!!!!!